These are some of the incredible start-up companies that joined us to present their ventures to our partners. It has been very exciting watching these companies grow and further their success.
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Per and Poly Fluoro Alkyl Substances (PFAS) are synthetic chemicals found in many industrial and household products due to their unique properties. PFAS are persistent and bio-accumulative. They are present in many of our water sources and can cause a number of serious health issues. Aqualumos is developing integrative technology for water utilities and manufacturers to cost effectively remediate PFAS and meet regulatory requirements.

SMS360 (Safety Management Systems, Inc.) is a comprehensive risk management tracking, monitoring, and reporting system that incorporates numerous capabilities that are important to businesses of all sizes. SMS360 is programmed to be flexible and configurable to meet requirements for multiple Industries. SMS360 puts customers in control of their Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) needs and protects their workers and businesses in the most high-risk areas of operations.

Lactation Innovations is dedicated to developing technologies that help mothers breastfeed with confidence. Its cofounders developed the Manoula Device, a convenient and accurate device that informs mothers and providers how much breastmilk a baby has consumed and wirelessly shares the data. With thousands of mothers struggling annually with breastfeeding, this device is equipped to optimize the experience.